JEM is a high-level simulation model of Jamaica’s power system. It uses an arc-node formulation to capture assets within the generation, transmission and distribution system at the national scale. Given a set of supply and demand curves, JEM computes the optimal power flow across the system using linear optimisation.

The model requires Gurobi and the associated GurobiPy library for the optimisation. In addition, standard scientific libraries in Python are needed such as pandas, numpy, matplotlib etc. Requirements for spatial network analysis include QGis, geopandas, and snkit.

Note: The Gurobi package requires a license for usage but this can be obtained freely for academic use.

Getting started

  • Clone or download this repository.
  • Get a Gurobi license
  • Create project enviroment using the config file in this directory (only tested on macOS Big Sur):
mamba env update -n JEM --file environment.yml
conda activate ./env


conda env create --prefix ./env --file environment.yml
conda activate ./env


This work is supported part of the Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (CCRI) project on creating a platform for infrastructure risk assessment and resilient investment prioritisation in Jamaica and is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).


Copyright (C) 2020 Aman Majid. All versions released under the MIT License.